29 January 2025
The i8 battery is still chugging along.
I’m considering publishing these notes on my web site.
I’m also just now noticing that the resulting disassembly code does not match my expectations.
I posted the notes as separate days and need to go back and number them and add some clarifications as they are all titled, “Notes on RISC-V Assembly Language Programming”. Which is true, but there’s a lot of them now.
I have added “- Part n” to each of the five posts. I still need to add navigation links between the pages, although there are links to previous and next posts at the bottom of each page.
I also need to use a different text editor with word wrap for composing these notes that are intended to be published. Removing the hard new lines is tedious and error-prone.
So the next things to do are to figure out why the sp initialization is still not right and make a fake reset button using either the RST line from the WCH-LinkE or the ‘Download’ pushbutton.
30 January 2025
Re-reading the posted notes and finding many typos remaining. I’m going over them again and correcting them as necessary. It was mostly removing the hard new lines and only a few actual typographical errors.
The i8 battery is still up!
I would like to make WCH aware of the problems I have been having when resetting the PWR control peripheral. How to get their attention?
I have made a copy of this file to perform some scientific experiments upon. Still using BBedit, I have used the Text / Remove Line Breaks command and it has done so. However, it is not wrapping the text at 80 columns so now I have a lot of really long lines that I cannot see all at once.
I just selected the View / Text Display / Soft Wrap Text and it seems to have done it. Now I will just continue writing a bit and see if what I think is supposed to be happening is actually what is happening. So this part looks good, but I have to go back and take a look at what it has done to the previously written manuscript.
It only really messed up my indented lists. Going forward, it should not be that much of a problem and should really expedite the publishing task.
BBedit does not remember the Soft Wrap text option between invocations, so I am shifting over to TextEdit, which comes with macOS. The right tool for the job!