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Notes on RISC-V Assembly Language Programming – Part 11

4 February 2025

Setting up the OLED portion of the project should be easy, as I’ve already done this on the 003, 203 and 307 variants within this family of chips. There will be opportunities for improvement of some things, and perhaps a chance to add a proper frame buffer so as not to be so reliant on the page boundaries of the OLED controller chip.

First I have to connect the the target OLED module, a 1.3″ 128×64 module based on the SH1106 controller chip. It’s just power, ground and I2C clock and data.

Now I’ve forgotten what powers the CH32X035 on this development board. The chip can actually run on +5V as well as 3.3V. The “VCC” lines measure 3.6V using my oscilloscope. The supplied schematic is not much help, as it shows VBUS1 (assuming +5V from USB) and going into the linear regulator U2 and coming out as VCC/3V3. The chip itself only has a single power pin, but it is designated as VDD. I see no connection shown from VCC to 3V3 to VDD. I was, however, able to measure 3.54V on one side of C1, a 0.1uF decoupling capacitor next to U1.

So I think I’ll power the OLED from 3.3V for the time being. Next I’ll need to decide which of the, let’s see… one I2C ports to use. Well, that narrows things down considerably. There are some remapping options available, but only one port.

The DS shows the default mapping of SCL = PA10 and SDA = PA11. Unfortunately for me, these pins are only brought out on the largest packages, the LQFP48 and LQFP64. So some sort of remapping is going to have to occur.

The first remapping option brings out SCL on PA13 and SDA on PA14. Also not brought out on the QFN28 I’m looking at right now.

The second remapping option brings out SCL on PC16 and SDA on PC17. Now why does PC17 sound familiar? Yes, it’s the pin that the ‘Download’ button is connected to. Which also means that it’s the USB DP pin, with PC16 being the USB DM pin. So that one’s out, if we want to use USB at some point (foreshadowing: we will).

The third remapping option brings out SCL to PC19 (24) and SDA to PC18 (25). These are certainly brought out on the QFN28 package, but unfortunately, they are the SWCLK & SWDIO signals used to program and debug the device.

The fourth remapping option brings the I2C signals out to the USB pins again. The fifth remapping option brings them out to the SWCLK & SWDIO pins again.

Now in truth we will not need the SWCLK & SWDIO pins to be connected to the device programmer in the field. It’s also possible to provide a ‘window of opportunity’ after each device reset or power cycle where the SWD pins are, indeed, SWD pins, and then get re-programmed to be I2C pins. However, I am very reluctant to go that route as I have had, let’s say, unsatisfactory experiences when re-purposing device programming pins.

Now it’s entirely possible if unusually cruel and abusive (to me) to use a ‘software’ I2C implementation by bit-banging the signals. I don’t think I want to do that today.

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