** Update ** the kit has been released!
Here is an actual photograph of an actual prototype of the long-awaited updated version of my ever-popular “12 Volt Dimmer“. It’s an especially efficient PWM controller for 12VDC loads up to 60W. The previous version was only rated at 25W, so this is a big improvement in capacity. Also, I’ve added an extra pushbutton to allow cycling through preset power levels, which are currently 1%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 100% and back to off again.
The 12V Dimmer kit will be available in two to three weeks (*crosses fingers for luck*) for only $14.95. The production version will be much more attractive than this prototype, with a real soldermask and silkscreen.
Since the power terminals are unlabeled on this prototype, I’ve included this photograph to illustrate the proper connections for both power and load.
You can control a *LOT* of LEDs with this kit, as well as motors and fans as a speed controller. There are actually a lot of applications for a simple circuit such as this.
All the design files, including the schematic and microcontroller source code will be released when the kits are ready to ship. I have several units in the field being evaluated by my trusty beta testers. Hopefully there will not be any big surprises between now and the launch date.
Can i ask if u can make the controller also with the control button pointed up instead pointing to the side?
We need an controller that can controll an heating pad that can heat up to 35 degrees 12v. That all is gonna be connected to a 12v battery 9,6amp
Do u have a controller for that or can this controller do that?
But the button must point up or a separate button that we can put in a different place.
Cause we have only 1 cm space where we can put the controller. But we have more space in a different place were we can put the print. So with a wire of around 20cm we can extand that.
Please let me know if this is possible.
I hope to hear from you soon
Kind regards
how will you mount this dimmer? I have a DC system from batteries from solar. I run 12 VDC lights and fans, and a dimmer is used with my fan, and a DC poll reverse switch is also used for the fan (in or out air). Will the dimmer just be a board to be mounted in a project box? or will it be in a project box? Thanks, Ron